Congratulations to our ScotGrad student

We’d like to congratulate Sean Campbell on the completion of his ScotGrad placement with us in the office in Lybster

Sean undertook Supply Chain and Training systems projects during his time here, identifying and implementing some major system and process changes to our working practices.

He made his final successful presentation at the ScotGrad closing ceremony on Friday in Inverness and it was well-received by ScotGrad and the other Placement students

Sean said working with Gow’s had been an interesting placement and he enjoyed the level of responsibility he was given to undertake his projects. It has been an invaluable learning experience and a solid basis to build on in my future career.

“The Gow’s team have supported me so enthusiastically and Sandra & Wullie have been great mentors. I would like to take the opportunity to thank all the team for having me and I’ll pop back to see you all when I’m back home from Herriot Watt.”

Sandra said it had been great having Sean working with us and the project he had completed will make a significant difference to our systems and management reporting tools.

We all wish Sean good luck for the rest of his studies and his future career and we hope he will remember his time with us as a significant part of his development

We would definitely want to be involved in the ScotGrad scheme again and will look to seek further placement opportunities for administrative, business or engineering positions as we continue to support the Scottish Government and Caithness Chamber of Commerce’s “Developing the Young Workforce” opportunities.

Find Us/Contact

Mavsey, Lybster, Caithness, KW3 6AS

Telephone: +44 (0)1593 721585
Fax: +44 (0)1593 721403