DFR NaK Optimisation Implementation Project

Customer Organisation, name and address

Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd, Dounreay, Thurso, Caithness, KW14 7TZ.

Contract Start Date:


Contract Completion Date:

02/04/15 – all components delivered and installed in the DFR Hot Trap system and linked to the sodium/potassium processing and treatment system.

Description of contract, including full scope details

This project was developed as part of a series of complex activities in order to decommission the Dounreay Fast Reactor (DFR).  The reactor coolant was a combination of sodium and potassium designed to create a eutectic alloy (i.e. NaK) that was essentially liquid at reactor shut down temperatures.  Decommissioning of DFR, and removal of some 50 tonnes of NaK has presented many technical challenges and especially the recovery of the coolant from discrete pockets within the reactor vessel.  Such a challenge was the recovery of NaK from the 7 Hot Trap loops in the vessel, which were particularly difficult to access and in which to insert an engineered system for the safe effective removal and treatment of NaK which was contaminated with traces of fission products from reactor operation between 1959 and 1978.  Gow’s Lybster and DRSL designed a system whereby a series of 7 Dip legs were to be inserted into the Hot Traps, fastened in position, and then linked to a shielded liquid metal transportation system which would feed the NaK to the disposal unit for treatment and waste disposal.  A large, and complex Glove Box system, was also built to drill into the Hot Traps to allow the Dip Legs to be inserted and this was engineered through the glove box system. The transfer system was heavily shielded and contained trace heating to ensure that the NaK was sufficiently mobile to reach the treatment plant.

Gows Lybster was responsible for the following activities:

The scope of works is given below:

Location of the Contract/Project

All mechanical components were manufactured, tested, and inspected, and modified as necessary, at the Gow’s Lybster Ltd Facility, Lybster, Caithness, Scotland KW3 6AS.  Sub-contractors were engaged to design, install and commission the electrical

Find Us/Contact

Mavsey, Lybster, Caithness, KW3 6AS

Telephone: +44 (0)1593 721585
Fax: +44 (0)1593 721403
Email: info@gows.co.uk